Help Shine Louise Houston make awesome porn

I’ve already mentioned the awesome work of Shine Louise Houston a few times here. She’s a filmmaker in San Francisco. Her and the gang of Pink and White productions make queer porn movies that steer away from stereotypes and beauty standards by featuring real pleasure and people of all backgrounds. Today, she needs you to help her make what looks like the film of her life, Snapshot.


Porn is not just about sex. It’s about all the feelings and thoughts it can trigger in you, so you get a chance to know yourself better. By mixing intrigue and solid characters, Shine gives a whole new perspective on porn, giving it the depth it deserves.

Snapshot is not just about sex, it’s a story about coming out, based on Shine’s own experiences. Featuring characters that the audience can identify with and maybe inspire themselves from is critical when making good porn.

The film also features two women of color. It’s crucial for feminism to include the plight of women of color, who are under or misrepresented in all aspects of society, including porn.
It’s obvious that black little girls should be able to play with black dolls, and women should also get to fantasize with sex-positive porn films that include all races.

Shine says:
There is power in creating images, and for a woman of color and a queer to take that power… I don’t find it exploitative; I think it’s necessary.

So, since fem porn doesn’t grow on trees, we need monayyy.

The team set up an Indiegogo campaign to raise $40,000 and make this movie possible! You can make donations and in exchange you get your name in the credit, a pass to watch the film and plenty more goodies. Donate here!

Remember, every time you donate to ethical porn, you save a pussy!

Check out the video below and more info on the film’s official site.


To give you an idea of Shine’s work, check out the hot preview of her film Champion, which won the Movie Of The Year Award at the feminist porn awards in 2009.

Watch the full film here

  1. Aeryn Walker

    June 6, 2015 5:25 am

    Glad to see they’ve already reached nearly 20%! That was fast 😀

  2. […] passée par Reddit pour un Ask Me Anything. L’occasion également d’aller faire un tour sur son Indiegogo pour l’aider à mettre en scène Snapshot, le « film de sa vie » […]

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