Girl band ADAM sings while having an orgasm

I am in love with this! The ADAM trio from Holland tuned up their vibrator and masturbated while singing their new song Go To Go.

ADAM comes and goes

This video is not explicit at all but it’s one of the sexiest things I’ve seen this week, and, you know me, I see A LOT. It’s simple, you can hear a vibrating device that’s out of frame and the girls are masturbating while singing – or trying to. At first, it seems fine, but things sweetly fall apart when they start having more and more pleasure.

To be honest, I can’t really remember the melody now, but I sure remember their faces, their giggles, their surprise… It’s really lovely, hot, fun and… because I’m a copycat I am masturbating right now while writing this post!

More on ADAM here!

[ Via Cheese, Wine and Sex ]

  1. Kathy

    May 13, 2014 9:05 am

    Lovely ! 🙂

  2. […] the girls from ADAM masturbating while singing, now is the time to watch Zac Pennington, singer of Parenthetical Girls, get off in his music video […]

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