Fête Du Slip: juicy details of a sex-positive week end (pics and videos)

I won’t bore you with a lot of words, since my mind, my soul and my body are still recovering from an intense month spent travelling, shooting, partying… But I will tell you about la Fête Du Slip and all the juicy discoveries I made at the third edition of this sex-positive, porn festival, with photos and videos so you can dive into the trip like 2.800 people and I did.

Friday, March 6th.

Got up at 4:30 am to catch my plane, on which I met with Jochen Werner, friend, member of the jury and part of the Berlin Porn Film Festival team, and Abigail Gnash, coauthor – with Eric Pussyboy – of the queer cyberpunk project ‘NeuroSex Pornoia’, which was screened at the festival.

Neurosex Pornoia Teaser from Neurosex Pornoia on Vimeo.

I arrived at the place where I was staying for the week end and I met the lovely girls who, as I later found out, would be my lovely ‘mamas’ for the whole trip, feeding me, taking me out and making sure I was ok.

Later, I went to the Arsenic – the place where basically, everything happened – and first saw my boobs on the wall. Wow. The Swiss Hebdo magazine had published an article about me and the Festival and it was pinned up on the glass wall, with a nice double page dedicated to Molly’s and my naked bodies. Pretty cool!

Lucie Blush hebdo

NAKED was screened that afternoon and I answered a few questions from the audience. I also got to stay and watch the rest of the short films, which included CrashPad’s awesome Guide To Fisting – watch the full scene here.

Also Biodildo 2.0 by Christian Slaughter – full scene this way.

And the hypnotizing, silent films by Krefer, a Brazilian filmmaker and visual artist.

The Fleur De Porno program was also very interesting, featuring work by Erika Lust, Gala Vanting, Four Chambers and more.

A FLEUR DE PORNO from La Fête du Slip on Vimeo.

With my head full of airport jingles and alt porn, I went to bed as my brain was beginning to atrophy.

Saturday, March 7th.

I got to discover a lot of original and creative projects, since the festival doesn’t only focus on film, but on all tools that can be used to express eroticism and sexuality.

I met Daniel Hellman and discovered his Full Service show. Basically, you can ask him to do ANYTHING you want. It can be anything, sexual or non sexual. Then, the two of you negotiate a price and he will fulfil the service after you find an agreement. The concept is pretty cool and the guy is truly adorable, as he talked to us about the intimacy he gets from certain clients. Once, a woman asked him to make her feel loved. He was full of anecdotes but however good or bad, he was always positive and respectful.

There was also a cool stand called Chattes Memory, where a nice woman was selling a set of very special cards. Each card had a photo of a cunt, and the goal was to show how different they can look and that each pussy has its own personality.

I also found out about NOU, an already famous dance collective with Kay Garnellen who I had briefly met in Berlin but only really got to talk to last week end. Thanks la fête du slip!

Then we got on party mode for the official festival party at the Bourg, where we saw Hard Ton, the biggest disco queen and Maria Bala’s personal favorite, as well as the awesome Rebecca Warrior.

hard ton

 Photo by Laura Spozio

Party. After Party. In bed by 8am. All is good.

Sunday, March 8th.

After sleeping for a couple of hours, I managed to carry my grumpy body to the Arsenic again where two roundtables were organized and to which I had been invited to participate. The first debate was about ethical porn and how to finance it. Maria Bala, Christian Slaughter and Le Tag Parfait’s Gonzo and I talked about how to get the resources to make alternative porn and make money out of it.

The second roundtable was about sex work. I was pretty hungover and afraid I wouldn’t be able to follow but actually, it was very interesting. Kay Garnellen and Marianne Chargois from NOU, as well as Daniel Hellman and I, talked about what it’s like to be a sex worker, what it includes and means to do sex work – because yes, it is a job -, if we should use the word ‘prostitute’ or if it has a connotation, and how sex work shouldn’t be the object of stupid stereotypes and ignorant judgement, pushing sex workers away from social integration and decent working conditions.

After that, I went to the closing ceremony of the festival where everybody was gathered to give the awards to the winners. I came home award-less but with my heart full of love and a pair of legs that were happy not to have to go up the podium to give a thank you speech. No, really!

Da Silva’s PIX won the Fap D’Or award (professionals voted online).

The audience award went to Shine Louise Houston’s Guide To Fisting, for CrashPad.

And finally, the main ‘Slip D’Or’ sex-positive porn award went to Campos de Castilla (Spanish for Fields of Castilla) by Karmen Tep & Urko Post-Op, a collective of artists / activists who investigate gender and post porn. The short film is fantastic, funny, political and sexy! Especially if you like corn…

campos de castilla postop porn fête du slip

There was also a special mention for Gala Vanting’s Chrysalis who got the Slip d’Argent.

It was a memorable moment and a great climax for the week end’s positive craziness, hunger for ideas and exchange between people of all ages, sexualities and backgrounds.

Monday, March 9th.

A good tomato fondue with the ones who survived (Christian Slaughter and Stéphane Morey, organizer of the festival) and a stroll next to the Lac Léman – or ‘Lake Geneva‘ – and we were good to go!

fondue fête du slip lausanne

I realize that despite my initial promise, I have actually managed to bore you with my words, so all I can say now is that I am looking forward to the next episode… Ciao!

la fête du slip 2016

  1. francois

    March 15, 2015 3:59 pm

    Pretty interesting events obviously. Looks much more “deeper” (if I can say so) than the traditional Erotik Messe/Eropolis shows organized across France and Germany where everything is based on strip & shows, and ultimately, on buying some stuffs.
    It’s always good to try to understand how your brain works and why it makes you react in a certain ways, why it makes you like and appreciate something and dislike or disgust another. You can’t find the right answers if you don’t ask the right question, and asking questions is generally not what I’ve experienced in porn festivals that I visited. it’s always good for the spectator as well to see what’s behind the scenes and in the minds of producer, artists, who aren’t just a bodies fucking each other. That’s great if there are some alternatives to it, especially if that’s daring, hilarious (la fête du slip… this name is just the greatest!) and a bit more subtile than just the usual blonde teenagers kissing each others on stage, in front of a panel of frustrated guys about to get their zip down and to jack off .
    I don’t know if that’s what’s called “sex-positive”, but I truly like this alternative way of seeing sex and fantasy and I tend to think it helps to have another view of porn, much more artistic and genuine than superficial and unrealistic.
    I read this week a fantastic sentence which was written by a guy interviewed about online dating and online-cheating : “Words are 1000 times much more powerful than visual”. Alternative/Ethical porn, to my mind, should follow this way, and by reading your experience of Fete du Slip, it seems that it’s already what it’s doing 🙂

  2. […] report complet et bien trop long des trois jours du festival sexe-positif de la La Fête du Slip, Lucie Bush s’y colle et nous raconte en détails ce qu’il s’est passé de son côté à Lausanne avec […]

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