
Erotic short films

20 strangers make out in Tatia Pilieva’s First Kiss

Tatia Pilieva is a filmmaker based in Los Angeles, and her latest film, First Kiss, has gone viral today, like wild fire. She asked twenty strangers to kiss, for the first time, in front of her camera. This is the result: First Kiss This film is pretty amazing to me, because it shows a real…

Speechless – Lesbian short film about the first step

Sara del Pino's short film Speechless really is one of a kind. It's about that moment when you have no clue what do to: stay paralized by the tension of that precise moment, or let yourself go into the passion, regardless of what may follow. Speechless You know, that moment when somebody should take the…

When Fashion Meets Erotica

Hey pervs, it's finally Friday and to be honest, I can't wait to indulge in my urges tonight. Friday night is MY night. Eat, smoke, and watch fine erotica of course. Here are four videos that I've selected from the world wide web and which elegantly share the image quality of the fashion world and…

Placer – Six friends and a lot of fantasies

Sometimes, sex is not just sex. It can be an epiphany, a barrier, an escape... It can be really complex, and it's fair to say that porn doesn't really depict the deep stuff - no bad pun intended. That's why I'm always happy to discover mainstream short films that have a sexual component, as an…

A Man And A Woman By Allusion Magazine

It was a really nice surprise to stumble upon this short film during my daily quest for porn. It's called A Man And A Woman, and it was made by Gevorg Markosyan and Suzanna Musaeva for the Sydney-based quarterly Allusion Magazine. A Man And A Woman The title might make you think that it's a sensual, a…

I Love Ice Cream and other 8 sexy films

I'm sometimes hungry for sex as I am hungry for food. Food is often related to sex on a primary need level, and it even makes us feel things... Add lots of sugar to that and it makes a pretty great, sexy treat! Today, I've got my eye on a classic, the ice cream, and…

Artistic nudity, the work of William Farges

I love surprises, and it was a great one when I stumbled upon the work of William Farges. Artistic nudity - another perspective of the body William Farges has been practicing photography for years. In his films, he shows nudity in motion as if it was a painting, adding a great artistic perspective to filming…

Punk: Something Else by Deborah Milner

Punk: Something Else This is a pretty cool film for Couturier Deborah Milner, featuring her outfit. Deborah Milner's punk couture SHOWstudio: PUNK: Something Else - Deborah Milner from SHOWstudio on Vimeo. I've already featured some of SHOWstudio's work here. They love punk and I'm oh so happy about that. The film, as well as the…

Porn & Pains – The Teaser

Check out this awesome teaser for Elisa Victoria's upcoming book Porn & Pains. Porn & Pains Porn & Pains (Teaser oficial) from Joaquín León on Vimeo. I don't have much information about the project. I don't know if it's going to be a reflection on porn, or a collection of saucy pictures, or maybe both.…

Get moving and sweat it out

I can feel the spring coming very slowly. The sun, the fresh air, the new Game of Throne teaser... Things are moving, and so should you. I found a series of videos that are very energizing and extremely sexy. So take all your frustrations and sweat them out! 1. AutoErotique - Asphyxiation This video is…

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