
Erotic short films

Persephone – Tasty short film by Four Chambers

You already know I'm a big fan of Four Chambers. They brought us Proximity, Sól, Exchange and many more erotic, alternative and sexy short films. This one is called Persephone. Persephone Starring Cam Damage and Owen Gray, this short is both fresh and dark. It makes us hot and uneasy at the same time, watching…

Tied Up – A kinky erotic thriller

This is the teaser for Tied Up, Tout Seuls Productions' new sexy film directed by Dragan Nikolic. It starts like a hot meet up between this American woman and French guy in a classy mansion, but it will turn into an even hotter kind of kinky thriller. Tied Up Starring elegant Emily Caillon and Lambert…

Rena Happens in her own Beautiful Agony video

You know when artists and singers get together to sing a song for a good cause? Wouldn't it be great if they all submitted a group masturbation video to Beautiful Agony? I'm not sure I'd enjoy watching Bono jerk off but still, it would be fun. For today, It's Rena Happens who gives her singular…

Monster Hunter – Erotic steampunk by Marlo Marquise

Marlo Marquise is a cabaret, striptease and suspension artist from New York. In Monster Hunter, she lets us in her own little world, mixing burlesque erotica and steampunk props. Check it out! Marlo Marquise The atmosphere is bizarre and strangely hypnotizing. This little peak into Marlo's fantasy world is extremely sensual. I love the props…

Groove, Sex and Rock n’ Roll in 2 music clips

Open the window. Turn the volume on. Take your clothes off. And dance it out! Or jerk it off, that works too... These two music videos by Focus Creeps and Fiat Frost are all about having fun and rock n' roll! 1. Girls - Lust For Life by Focus Creeps Girls is an American indie…

The Pornographer by Parenthetical Girls

After the girls from ADAM masturbating while singing, now is the time to watch Zac Pennington, singer of Parenthetical Girls, get off in his music video for the song The Pornographer. Parenthetical Girls in bed Zac Pennington is androgynous and super hot. I love this video because it's simple, almost minimalistic, but very sexy at…

P O W D E R – Delicate nudity

It seems everything comes in pair. Yesterday, we watched a beautiful poetic video and today it seems we will be delighted by the spoken word again. P O W D E R is the name of a lingerie collection by Italian shop La Botica and I think we can all appreciate the beauty of the promo…

Symmetry, a love poem

We don't hear much talk about love in the porn world. That's why sometimes, it's nice to remind ourselves that love can be the key ingredient in a successful sex story. It doesn't have to be the "head over heels" kind of love, it can be small, brief, drunk or drugged, it's still love. In…

NSFW – Between reality and voyeuristic daydreams

This is Grace. She's lonely. She's frustrated on an emotional and sexual level. She fantasizes about intimacy, with her eyes wide open. Check out NSFW, a short film by Sarah E Dooley. NSFW The short is not actually NSFW, it's the life and moments that Grace imagines that are. She turns the morning into a…

Girl band ADAM sings while having an orgasm

I am in love with this! The ADAM trio from Holland tuned up their vibrator and masturbated while singing their new song Go To Go. ADAM comes and goes This video is not explicit at all but it's one of the sexiest things I've seen this week, and, you know me, I see A LOT.…

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