Bondage Music Video for Maria Zaitseva

You don’t always associate romantic songs to bondage. This is why I became pretty fond of this music clip, and, as you know, I’m getting more and more passionate about bondage in general. Check out Maria Zaitseva’s Why Did I Love You So.

Maria_Why did I love you so from Bondage_AlekZander on Vimeo.

Maria Zaitseva, Bondage and Love

It’s pretty original for a pop singer to release a music video revolving about bondage, although it’s not really explicit. However, it is definitely charged with sexual tension. We don’t really think of BDSM and love to go hand in hand but, on the contrary, it supposes a very tight, intimate relationship between two, or more, people.

Maria Zaitseva is a Russian singer and the bondage part was executed by Russian bondage master Alek Zander. Maria’s music is a bit too “poppy” for me, but I think it takes some guts to be tied up, especially in a music video talking about love. What do you think?

maria zaitseva bondage music video

  1. tanja

    February 12, 2014 6:27 pm

    Thanks for your review. Let me make just one little correction. The bondage part in this video was made by the Russian bondage master Alek Zander. is his own personal blog about japanese rope bondage, not the bdsm company.

    • Lucie Blush

      February 12, 2014 6:38 pm

      Thx! I’ve just corrected it 🙂

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