4 equally fun kinds of orgies

Ah. Group Sex. Orgies. People are usually ok with a threesome but you add a fourth, fifth… partner and they start to tag you as “the sex weirdo” within your group. Believe me. However, I imagine it can be quite a fun experience. I’ve never had one myself – it’s on my Christmas list – but, like Wolowitz says: “I’ve never had a threesome and yet I know I want one.” Let’s get a peek into it with these four different scenes and short films.

1. The one you missed

Let’s start soft. If you have fomo like me, this short film is not going to help you. Things sometimes look so much more fun when you’re not around and this improvised orgy between a group of friends definitely look like it was a hoot, except for the host himself – Barry Rothbart – who missed it while he was gone snack hunting for ten minutes. That must hurt. I would totally be jealous and pissed. You?

It’s not explicit but definitely hilarious.

The Party from Barry Rothbart on Vimeo.

2. The food orgy

Food and sex are often linked together. This promo video for Sonia Sieff’s Orgy perfume is pure delight.

After what seems to have been quite an entertaining night, the women, including the gorgeous Lou Doillon, get ready for another sensual evening and spray themselves with the perfume. The result is a sexy, passionate orgy that starts with a big plate of chicken.

The Modern Muse: “Orgy” by Sonia Sieff from Modern Muse on Vimeo.

3. The holiday orgy

Think about it. You go to a country house with your friends. Who needs phones, computers or even clothes? The Foursome is a scene by X-Art starring Mary Jane, Presley, Mr X. and Tommy.

Fun times. Watch the full scene here.

4. The hippy orgy

Senses merging, bodies touching, music playing… This 70s style scene is from the indie play Not My Cup Of Tea, written and directed by Polly Goss. Four characters try to create their own commune, and like my grandmother would say, that could only lead to vice and debauchery. This is precisely what’s pretty cool about this scene. Check it out.

Not My Cup of Tea: Orgy Scene (2012) from mmhosting on Vimeo.

  1. Mike

    September 26, 2014 3:19 pm

    Orgies are pure fun with the right people! And kinda eye opening for some lol it was the first time I gave a bj in front of my girl… very interesting story hehe

    • Lucie Blush

      September 26, 2014 7:58 pm

      Yes it’s all about a new perspective of things!

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