3 sexy videos to support gay rights during the Olympics

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, or your wifi is nowhere to be found, you know about the polemical start of the Olympic Games in Sochi. The decision of the Federation to maintain the games in a place where gay people are hunted down, tortured, prejudiced against, basically means that the world is taking a stand to… ignore gay rights and bury our heads in the sand.

The videos below are really awesome, and defy gender clichés and sexual oppression, in a time when freedom is unsafe.

Russian Kiss by Annie

After the opening of the Games by t.A.T.u, who held hands on stage in a not so brave show, Norwegian pop singer Annie decided to take the stand that her government didn’t. By showing men and women stripping off and making out, Annie and film director Richard Kern wanted to bring their support to all the gay community and try to motivate Norwegian performers to do the same.

“Show your love for the lovers, the others, the fighters, outsiders, people like you”

The Games Have Always Been A Little Gay

…says the Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion. In this hilarious, and very true, video clip, they remind us that the Games, have always been a little gay, yes, but also that they should be a symbol of hope, love, and international support. It’s an event that reflects our world and even though they’re supposed to be neutral, their taking place in Sochi is far from being neutral, and not in a good way.

Support the CIDI on facebook!

Girls Chase Boys by Ingrid Michaelson

This music video is not really about the Olympics, but I thought it was helping my point. This homage to Robert Palmer’s video “Simply Irresistible” by Ingrid Michaelson puts gender upside down. For once, we see hot guys with make up and all dressed up in pink, in a sexy dance. Why not? Do women have the monopole of beauty, attraction and sexiness? I don’t think so. “Flipping the omelette”, as we say in Spanish (Darle la vuelta a la tortilla) helps give perspective to this gender-biased world we live in.

1 Comment
  1. […] these Canadians know how to do it. After the Games have always been a little gay, this time it’s a video showing gay and straight Internet personalities frenching each other. […]

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