12 things that run through your mind when you orgasm

It’s fascinating to see a person come. This moment is deep and intense and it’s hard to grasp that immense pleasure, because your brain is basically going crazy. This is why I love stuff like Beautiful Agony, climax is not about the money shot, it’s about watching an amazing experience going through the whole body and mind of a person.

So what happens in our head when we reach that sweet spot? These are just things that pop up into my own head when I I orgasm, so I’d love to know what happens to you in the comments!

Oh fuck

Don’t panic, stay calm, OMFG.

male orgasm


orgasm squirt gif

If you stop now I will crazy murder you

couple orgasm gif

OMG Is this really happening?

couple sex gif orgasm

A little more to the right and ooooooh wow

couple orgasm gif

WTF? Where am I? What happened?

girl orgasm gif

Please please thank you thank you thank you

This is how you see if someone really has good manners.

lesbian sex gif

I love you I love you I love you

lesbian sex orgasm gif

I am so beautiful


I don’t care about anything right now


I’m not sure it’s gonna happ.. asdfgdghj


Make it last forever

sex orgasm gif

1 Comment
  1. Halle Jordan

    February 28, 2018 11:11 pm

    Truly great piece

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