Young Love with Maryjane and Tommy, by X-Art #goodporn

Remember the first time you had sex? I do, kinda. It starts to be blurry now and of course it wasn’t half as good as sex can be when you have experience. However, the rush that you feel with your first boyfriend and the obsession about sex, there’s nothing compared to it. So today, for our usual Sunday Good Porn Session on, here’s a little scene called Young Love, by X-Art, featuring Maryjane and Tommy as a young couple in love.

To watch the whole video in HD quality, remember that you can check out X-Art’s site, you can also know more about Maryjane here.

Young Love and quick passion

When you’re young, you’re in college or starting to work, and you’re discovering the joys of sex, it’s a very sensitive moment. You start to know what you like, what you don’t, you experiment, you fall in love, you get hurt. I also think that exploring your sexuality allows you to know more about yourself, about what kind of person you are going to turn out to be. Of course there are the typical drunken one-night-stands that you might learn to avoid in the future, or not, and the exaggerated crush on the jerk who will, in the end, make you feel like a stupid little girl. But all of that is necessary to grow and take control over your life, including the sexual side of it.

After a while you start to get more confident and you focus more on quality instead of quantity. I’m looking back at my college years now, and gosh was I stupid…

Anyone wants to share an embarrassing story?

young love x-art

young love x-art

young love x-art

1 Comment
  1. […] is a French film (“Presque Rien“) by Sébastien Lifshitz. Yesterday I was talking about Young Love in my “Sunday Good Porn Session”, well this film is also about the discoveries of sexual passion, but from a gay point of view. The […]

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