Up All Night – ‘The Making Of’

I like to shoot ‘behind the scenes’ videos and make making of’s that give a taste of what it’s like being on the set of a porn shoot. Directing is the most challenging part of my job and setting a pleasant atmosphere for the actors is crucial.

The Making Of

This shoot was a real challenge for me. I had worked with professional actors only once in the past. Journalists came to observe – talk about pressure! – and my friends came to act as extras for the party scene, which I am grateful for! It meant coordinating a lot of things at once while trying not to lose focus on the artistic aspect of the work.

Overall, everything went pretty smoothly. It helps having someone to help you, so it was definitely different from my first set, with Alice Inside.

So here’s a short video that, hopefully, will give you a peak into a porno shooting.

Watch the full scene here


  1. rafael

    August 12, 2014 6:08 pm

    Saludos desde México, aunque por ahora resida en Madrid! Me gusta mucho tu página y tu trabajo, lo mismo que la sexualidad que has creado con tus contenidos! Es honesta, alegre y placentera! Solía hablar en mi programa de radio por intertet de tu página.

    • Lucie Blush

      August 12, 2014 6:09 pm

      Gracias Rafael! Me alegro que te guste 🙂 y gracias por compartir!

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