Tom Bull in the Waiting Room by Bell Soto

Ever heard of Tom Bull? I’ve just discovered him whilst searching the Internet for hot (naked) guys. Turns out he’s a model (duh) from New York and… that’s pretty much it.

The Waiting Room with Tom Bull

Here’s a short film featuring Tom Bull by Photographer and Video Director Bell Soto. If you’re wondering the music is by The Presets. I think Bull is quite the hottie in this video (I’m pretty sure it’s for the beard). I don’t usually go for models, and he does look better without his hipster clothes, but still, this is pure eye candy!

Hope you enjoy it, below is another video with a very wet Tom Bull by I Love Shoot.

Tom Bull by I Love Shoot

1 Comment
  1. […] know that I often post videos by Bell Soto, since he’s so good at capturing the essence of male beauty. This video is no exception. […]

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