The most WTF sex videos of the month

I’ve got the flu, people. How did it happen? I was bragging about not getting sick so, obviously, the Universe instantly punished my arrogance by shoving the illness down my throat, literally. However, a good dose of painkillers allowed me to survive the day, between boredom and self-pity. So, to enlighten the mood, I have browsed my wtf bookmarks and found a few videos that should make everybody happier.

Pavel Jump

The Russian drag-queen Pavel Petel offers us a hypnotic video in which he simply jumps up and down, wearing high heels and a mankini in slow mo. How can this not make anybody feel better?


PAVEL JUMP from Pavel Petel on Vimeo.

Through X

This awesomely absurd video by Nik Dimopoulos is the promo for the Through X gay parties in Australia. It looks frankly crazy and I wish I could sneak in…


Just A Minute Yoko

One minute of visual and sound poetry by Bea de Visser, with Jaap Blonk speaking the non existing language by Guy de Cointet and us, hypnotized by the evolving, walking close-up of an ass.

No embedding on this video, watch it here.

just a minute yoko

  1. […] Lucy Blush est allée plonger dans les profondeurs de Vimeo pour nous en ramener les trois vidéos les plus wtf du mois. On se retrouve ainsi avec le drag […]

  2. Ran

    May 18, 2016 5:05 pm

    I really want to know what a threesome would be like with my husband and another man but am a bit worried about how we go about it. Is there any realistic porn videos or reading that you would recommend that could help us? We have tried everything else I think and enjoy amazing sex

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