The best modern porn films for couples

I often get asked about good porn films for couples. I believe porn can be highly useful to maintain a healthy and exciting sex life with a long-term partner. However, it can be difficult to find films that feature pleasure for both men and women.

So, I have concocted a list of films that I personally love and that I think would be a great fit for a couple and make the phrase “dinner and a movie” much more appealing.

I say “modern” porn films because there are a few classics from the 1970s, like Deep Throat, that are great, but I want to focus on newer films and talents. Of course, the list is not exhaustive, so please make suggestions!

EDIT: There is actually a new site called Couples Cinema that has a great selection of content to watch with your other half. Check it out here.


Match Mates

Match Mates is a special kind of POV, female style. Liselle Bailey, a teacher converted porn director gathers three porn stars and friends of hers and fixes them up. You can see the director while she’s shooting the scene, which gives a very cool perspective to the whole thing, making it more relaxed and authentic.

Watch on Joybear

matchmates by joybear

Bright Desire

If you’re in a sweet, romantic mood, I recommend the films of Ms Naughty for her production company Bright Desire. Real couples, in the comfort of their home, have genuine intimacy and pleasure. Here’s a scene that you might like. I reviewed it here.

Watch Wendy and Dave here


Let me insert one of mines in here. DAWN was shot in the woods of Berlin. It’s all about a girl traveling in and out of consciousness and having intense encounters..

It’s trippy and psychedelic and if you and your partner go down the rabbit hole with me on this one, you’ll be rewarded with one of the best sex scenes I’ve ever shot, with Rebecca Dorothy and Magena Yama. Two flames fucking in the darkness…

Watch DAWN now on CommonSensual

magena yama and dorothy

Burning, by X-Art

At X-Art, they make pretty porn. Mansions, swimming pools, actors who look like top models, and great sex. It’s a fantasy land which reinterprets the scenarios of mainstream porn, with better lighting. Sometimes, they even have big budgets to make scenes that are like Hollywood movies. Nothing is too good for porn!

A friend of mine recommended me this scene and I agree with her, it’s explosive. If you’re not in the mood for natural, real sex kind of porn, but more into fantasy stories but don’t want to end up with the same cliché plots, I highly suggest you check it out!

Watch Burning on X-Art, with Silvie and Mr X.

x-art silvie burning

  1. rk

    March 9, 2015 3:45 pm

    It is very fantastic to see the web site.

  2. Jon

    June 29, 2015 9:24 am

    Sorry to say I don’t share your views on All About Anna. I watched it with my “partner of choice”, as the glossy brochure says. We were both highly disappointed with the poor acting, the poor camerawork, and the so-called plot. After the first three scenes we gave up. Doesn’t compare with classics like “9 Songs” and “Q”.

  3. jon

    October 3, 2015 5:57 pm

    no mention of andrew blake come on i agree with the other jon

  4. […] your own amateur porn film can be both awkward and exciting. Many couples are interested in making their own sex tapes, but they don’t know how to go about it. Some people end up losing […]

  5. A

    June 19, 2016 12:54 am

    Thank love love

  6. Jeff

    December 26, 2016 10:05 pm

    As a former dramatic filmmaker (producer/director) I have long wanted to make a quality, surreal, tasteful erotic movie. I am working on an outline for one now. This site was helpful in showing that there is something outside the overdone realm of typical porn, which always, always ends with a somewhat subjugating ejaculation onto the woman’s face. I want to engage women and men here with their thoughts on erotica, especially toward a properly produced and art directed film with attractive people, doing everything they do in pornos, but with some sensitivity and authenticity. My question is, is there a market for this?

    • E

      July 18, 2017 9:48 am

      I know this is a late comment but I still wanted to reply because I think I am the market for that 🙂 I’ve heard many women do prefer erotica/porn with more story and emotions (hence this article) and as one I will say I personally do. Maybe it has something to do with my intimacy style personally (I have to have a real emotional connection with someone to be intimate with them) but I can’t really ‘get into’ porn that is just a ‘scene’ without much backstory to make me believe the 2 characters are really into each other. I mean, sometimes I can , but overall if it just throws you into the action I get turned off by the lack of realism.

      And I hate when actors/actresses look at the camera! Completely breaks the fantasy for me because they’re breaking the 4th wall (this is more of a problem with a fictional scene than say those “audition’ tapes or “Girls Gone Wild” stuff. I’m also not into actresses with heavy ‘porn star’ (forgive me I’m not sure how else to describe it) makeup or fake breasts. Basically, if I can tell they are porn stars, it breaks my suspension of disbelief as a viewer. A good example of this is in Wicked Picture’s “Pirates”. The movie was ok but I didn’t care for the look of the actresses. There wasn’t a lot of variety in terms of body types or makeup styles (though it’s been years since I saw it).

      Forgive me if I”m rambling. But what I am trying to get at is that I am the type of person who prefers more of what you said “sensitivity and authenticity’ in their erotic material. And I like the idea of it being artsy as well. I once saw this scene online that was a couple covered in body pain under a black light. It was pretty neat with the visuals and it was more sensual as well.

      I’d say keep working on that movie and let us know when it’s produced, or if you have a Kickstarter for it.You may be surprised at the support you get. 🙂 Good luck!

    • Meg Reder

      January 4, 2020 12:30 pm

      Yes! Please make one if you haven’t already. I’ve searched and searched for something exactly like you are describing, just doesn’t seem to exist. I need a happy medium to connect with my partner that enjoys porn but I hate the terrible acting, general cheesiness, and lack of story line or intimacy.

  7. Korie

    May 13, 2017 4:43 am

    Thanks for your blog here. My husband and I like porn but we wanted something better than showtime but not as terrible as the porn hub garb. I was looking for a site that could honestly direct us and not just try and sell us or get some membership. I just wanted info, and you give it freely and honestly. AND TASTEFULLY!!!

  8. Nemo

    August 11, 2017 1:04 am

    As a late ‘Boomer’ guy, I find 99% of all porn to be the opposite of a fantasy. Anonymous sex with women wearing heavy eye makeup and a seeming disdain for their temporary partner is a great way to induce feelings of worthless, if not disassociation.

  9. Real Life

    December 27, 2019 8:46 pm

    Modern porn for modern men is creepy. Sisters, step sisters, mothers, step mothers. All unattainable but close by. Get off your Xbox and grow some balls for Gods sake. Real women are out there, but you don’t have the bollocks to find them.

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