I have to be honest with you guys today. I am massively hungover. However, I never fail to fulfill my duty of finding the best alternative porn that’s out there. Today is no exception. Even with a raging headache and a few embarrassing facebook photo tags, I thought I would post a porn scene that’s fresh, beautiful, and healthy, courtesy of X-Art!

This scene features Leila. To watch it in high quality and discover other videos, check out their site.

First yoga rule to be healthy : boning your instructor

Sex positions, in altitude

Yoga is not trendy because it makes you healthy or have a nice body, well not entirely. People love yoga because it allows you to stretch enough to try all the original and difficult sex positions! And, there’s nothing better than fucking your yoga instructor to master the art of bending and stretching.

I thought this scene was pretty arousing, but it kind of makes me feel guilty for eating so much Pringles yesterday night… Maybe I should find a hot yoga instructor to motivate me, like carrots for a donkey.

Have a great Sunday everybody!

yoga x-art yoga x-art yoga x-art yoga x-art yoga x-art yoga x-art yoga x-art yoga x-art