Silvie and Jake have morning sex

Silvie and Jake are one of the best couples on X-Art. They made quite a lot of scenes together, and this one is the most… simple of them all. It’s just nice morning sex, no distractions, no crazy positions. Just pleasure.

Silvie and Jake by X-Art

What I like in this scene is that it’s not pretentious at all. It really looks like a genuine moment that a real couple could share. It’s Sunday, you have all the time in the world. You don’t have to think about work, errands… You have time to enjoy being with your partner and sharing a nice moment with him or her. That what you can see in this scene. He’s relaxed on the couch and she wants to spice it up.

Silvie and Jake kind of have a story on X-Art. They share many scenes in which, first, they have a wedding night. In another, they break up, and make up. You can watch the preview of this scene, They Meet Again, on Good Porn For Women (my new site, wink wink), and also see lots of sexy pictures.

Anyway, in the scene you can watch below, the couple shares an intimate moment of daily life. I love how they moan and obviously take a lot of pleasure in being just the two of them.

Watch the full scene in HD here on X-Art!

New Art Sylvie Delux Hardcore powered by YouPorn.

  1. […] you might remember Jake from his scene with Sylvie, I hope you will like this one! The Red Fox is really hot, don’t know why I love redheads so […]

  2. Dayana

    January 24, 2015 3:56 am

    whats that boy name ? Only jake ? I need surname or his real name . I neeeeeeddddd itttttt

  3. Cute bunny

    April 2, 2019 11:54 am

    Can anyone plz tell me more about Jake I m goin crazy

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