Shooting femporn : The Vice Box

Today my team and I shot my new film, The Vice Box – that’s the film’s code name, not sure if it will be the final title. I had the pleasure of shooting in a beautiful apartment in Berlin, with Theo Meow and Candy Flip.

♥ The film is now available in full on

Photos by Adlan Mansri and Alf Ruge.

On the set

Our happy faces at the end of the shoot. It’s interesting to shoot porn because you form a sort of bond with the actors. They have the courage to share their intimacy with us and I’m honored to be able to grasp it on film.

theo meow candy flip lucie blush

I think my laptop has guest starred in most of my recent films… It’s my porn companion!

candy flip

In this scene, Candy dances around naked, listening to music on her phone. I asked her to choose a song that she likes and she put It’s Raining Men by The Weather Girls on. We played it out loud before starting to shoot the scene so we’d all get a feel of it.

candy flip the vice box

Nice reading collection in the room we shot in. And nice mirrors – we like to play with those…

lucie blush porn shoot

Yes, there was a giant fake cactus in the flat. Don’t ask me…

lucie blush on set

Compulsory Oscars porn selfie with the whole team. Thank you everyone for joining!

porn shoot selfie

The Vice Box

My goal was simple : depicting a scene that showed not only intimacy but also authenticity. In this new short film, Charlie leaves his girlfriend for the week end to go party with friends. She decides to enjoy her time on her own, in their flat, eating nutella out of the jar, dancing naked, browsing through her ‘vice box’ and masturbating to porn, until…

I actually have what I call a ‘vice box’ at home, in which I put all my sex toys. I thought it would be call to show that in a film.

Theo Meow and Candy Flip are a real couple and you can totally feel the bond they have together. They were natural, spontaneous and hot, all which I love to see in porn. More than mindless sex. More than mechanical positions.

theo meow candy flip

vice box

feminist porn couple

candy flip


  1. Sa yu

    August 4, 2015 3:57 am

    Beautiful, Mrs Lucy.

  2. EJ

    December 8, 2015 7:05 am

    What music did you use for this film? At the beginning, to be specific. It’s a chill jam, hahaha.

    • Lucie Blush

      December 8, 2015 4:07 pm

      It’s ‘Dancing In The Sun’ by Score Squad 🙂

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