239 search results for:

Unexpected reactions to ‘spicing things up’ [4 videos]

Hey honey, wanna try something different tonight? As appealing as these words sound, you never really know what the other person has in mind. Maybe they watched some porn that afternoon or simply got inspired, and the outcome can be sexy as hell or... absolutely awkward. Check out these four scenes from TV shows in…

Spanking on Screen II – The best gifs of the week

Yesterday, I wrote about the differences of mainstream films and porn when it comes to spanking. I didn't want to stop there without showing the best spanking gifs of the week! The waiting It's one of the best parts, the expectation. You know it's coming and the excitement makes you weep. [via] The teasing Everything…

Spanking on screen : Mainstream VS Porn [videos]

Like many things in sex, some words and activities get devoured by ignorance. Much like anal sex or BDSM in general, spanking has acquired a fame that doesn't always do it justice. With this selection of scenes from tv, mainstream movies and porn films, we can see how differently spanking is portrayed and the wide…

The free and erotic world of Gala Vanting

Gala Vanting is one of the people who make feminist porn stand and evolve today. She does what she likes and never stops exploring. Today, I'd like to show you more of this sex-positive feminist's work with two videos that mash up her projects. Gala Vanting, sex explorer I think I like Gala because I…

3 crazy erotic short films in black and white

On the menu today, turtles, masturbation, dogs and ice cream! Don't worry, they're not all mixed together in one strange video... but in three! When I browse the web to fetch you the best, most erotic videos online, I often stumble upon some weird stuff. These three erotic short films though, all have something sensual…

Which Porn Site Is Right For You? [INFOGRAPHICS]

I often get the feeling that it is still difficult for people to find the right porn site. Many crave something different these days, but finding that happy place may prove difficult. Between tube sites and low quality videos, pop-up ads, shy Google search results... The male-dominated pornorama won't make it easy for you to…

Shower Love – A peek behind the curtain

A few months ago, I talked to you about Joe Wehner's project, This Voyeurs Life, which includes videos and photos of women and couples, from a peeping tom point of view. Joe Wehner has added a new video to the collection, called Shower Love. Shower Love The images of them rubbing each other, kissing, being…

Clean and yet so dirty [4 videos]

The bathroom is a place where we are mostly naked. We rub, brush, comb and spit. It's a place where we feel safe and free to do all the freaky stuff we want. We may get clean but our thoughts are far from being pure, and it's alright. I remember my grandmother walking on me…

Unique women masturbating in front of the camera

Being on a set and taking your clothes off is not an easy task. I've only done it once before and I really had to shed my insecurities and fears. That's why I love to see unique women masturbating on screen and not being afraid of exploring and enjoying their sexuality, fulfilling their fantasies and…

Up All Night – ‘The Making Of’

I like to shoot 'behind the scenes' videos and make making of's that give a taste of what it's like being on the set of a porn shoot. Directing is the most challenging part of my job and setting a pleasant atmosphere for the actors is crucial. The Making Of This shoot was a real…

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