Playing Neck – Simple and yet extremely arousing film

One should never underestimate the power of foreplay. Even the tiniest kiss in the right situation and with the right attitude can light up a volcano of pleasure and arousal. This is what this short film, Playing Neck, is all about. It’s not too fancy or pretentious. It just simply works.

Playing Neck – Simply arousing

I love a lot of things about this film. I love the authenticity of the actors. I love how much she feels and how we see that on her face, and how much fun he’s having waking her inner desires. I love the black and white, which underlines the minimalism of the project. I love that we don’t need to see them naked to get aroused. I love how we can see the passion rise little by little and how much they want each other by the end. I love how natural it is.

This film by Russian photographer Jovan is a really good surprise and it personally taught me to not be afraid to stay simple in my works, because the smallest detail or act can trigger a lot of pleasure, when it’s well done, and well shot.

Playing neck from jovan on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. Steven

    June 19, 2014 1:43 pm

    Wow what a hot video! I can’t speak for other women but the shortest route to my wife’s panties is through playing with her neck 🙂 It’s a shame how many dudes overlook some of the most amazing spots on a woman’s body.

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