My all-time girl crushes

Having spent a big part of my life watching tv or cinema, it was bound to happen. I got a few girl crushes of my own. I have my fair share boys on my list too, from Robert Downey Jr, Gael Garcia Bernal, to Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Alexander Skarsgaard, but for some reason, I kind of treasure my little secret girl loves…

1. Juliette Lewis

I’ve been thinking of her lately because I’ve been listening to her Terra Incognita album and I have fallen in love with her all over again. Before that, I loved to watch her in Eating Gilbert Grape and Strange Days…

2. Eva Green

I know, I have high standards… Eva Green is, for me, the almighty Goddess of cinema. She’s hot, she’s clever, and she has the most beautiful boobs I’ve ever seen. Hollywood seems to categorize her as the hot evil witch in medieval-like films, like 300, Kingdom of Heavens, Camelot… but she’s especially hot in other films like The Dreamers and Perfect Sense.

3. Anna Torv

About two years ago, I went on a Fringe binge with my ex. The show is what it is, like an X-Files reboot, and the actors are pretty bad, especially Joshua Jackson. However, I got a huge girl crush on Anna Torv, who played the main character, Olivia. Long blond hair and a suit…

4. Mila Kunis

I was also a big fan of the 70s show, which is, in my opinion, one of the funniest shows EVER. I then fell for Kunis in Black Swan. You can watch the scene with Natalie Portman below, and also a scene from After Sex and one from Friends with Benefits.

1 Comment
  1. […] Of A Call Girl with the breathtaking Billie Piper, who I now realize should definitely be on my girl crush list. You can also watch the amazing sploshing scene right […]

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