How to write a porn script in 10 steps

In a perfect world, everybody would feel free to write up a porn script and make it into a video. We’re slowly getting there, thanks to the Internet, which allows everybody to fill the web with their sex selfies – sexfies? – and other deep, dark secrets.

If we want to make porn better, then it’s up to us to speak up. I know a lot of you have plenty of ideas, so don’t let yourself be intimidated by script writing or technical difficulties. Here are a few tips based on my own experience to show you it only takes a bit of soul searching and a lot of spunk to achieve it…

1. Get comfy

Nothing better than a warm blanket and comfy socks on a fluffy couch to dig into your naughty brain.

lucie blush porn script

2. Put on some nice music

I suggest this, perfect for getting in the mood.

3. Don’t let the blank page scare you

This is not some college essay. Even if you come up with something short or simple, it will probably be pretty good, because it will come from your dick/cunt heart.

blank page

4. Browse your own imagination

What first comes up in your mind? Write it down.

lucie blush imagination

5. Watch scenes from movies or shows that you liked

Not necessarily sexy ones! Just let good stories and images inspire you. This scene from House of Cards always kind of pops up in my head…

house of cards threesome

6. Let your body participate

Reach within yourself, and by this I mean that.

lucie blush masturbating

7. Write a few brief words or sentences

And if you’re masturbating in the process, you probably have only one hand available, so only type the basics.

porn script

8. Imagine the perfect actors for your film

One day. One day…

robert downey jr

9. Have a few orgasms

Maybe add a few details after that, let if flow!

lucie blush orgasm

10. Have a piece of chocolate.

You deserve it!

lucie blush chocolate

1 Comment
  1. The Beav

    October 30, 2015 3:45 am

    Lots of bad porn vids out there. Seems that scripting in the porn industry has gone the way of the dinosaur. Dialogue between the two “actors” is far more interesting than moans and gasps. Ohhhhhhhhh, yeaahhhhh!!!

    Maybe your suggestions will make porn more appealing.

    The Beav

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