Heat is not like any other movie I made. Lina Bembe, Owen Gray and the twenty sexiest people in Berlin…

Sex on the dance floor in Heat

We all met at a club near my house. A musician was playing live and after 10 minutes, everybody got in the mood, dancing, kissing, taking their clothes off. Lina and Owen in the middle, fucking and eating each other out on the dance floor. Everybody was sweating. It was awesome.

I wanted to portray a crazy Berlin night out in a club that I often go to and I’m really happy that I could count on all the people who came to the shooting that day and made it so fun. Check out the trailer.

♥ Watch the full movie here ♥

I enjoyed being able to shoot with the music. It certainly gives a flow that allowed all of us to really feel like we were at a party on a Saturday night when it was actually Wednesday, 2 pm. Friends, friends of friends. I didn’t specifically ask to come dressed kinky or anything, but most people were in the mood for sex and party and I think we would all have loved to keep it going after the shoot was over.

After weeks of editing, the film is finally online. I hope you like it! Watch it here.


1 Comment
  1. Scarlett

    September 27, 2016 6:52 am

    Its my long time fantasy to visit a party like its kind. Dont know I will be ever be able to attend a party of its kind but will try to imagine the atmosphere by reading this post. Will be looking forward to see more of its kind of post in the future.

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