Female ejaculation banned from UK porn and why censorship sucks

You probably know that the UK has been on a censorship binge recently. They’ve never been really open-minded (and I speak of the government only) but this is the last straw. They’ve recently introduced a new set of restrictions on the content of VOD porn for UK-based companies and sole traders, affecting sex acts like fisting and even female ejaculation, in order to avoid “life-threatening” acts in adult entertainment and protect children.

Oh the children! Who thinks of the children?!?!?!

Well, I’m all for protecting kids from harmful content and implementing the right measures to control mature content online, but this starts with parents hiding their wallets instead of telling us, porn makers, to censor our content. Besides, they’re actually keeping people from making good porn and making it available to their digital audience. If kids found my porn and watched it, I wouldn’t be happy, but I don’t think it would traumatize them or put outdated ideas about sexuality in their head. This is exactly why we need to help make better adult content instead of restricting it altogether.

In an effort to prove how ridiculous this is and to show my support to the sex workers in the UK, here’s a list and a juicy preview of what these “ill-famed” acts are and how NOT dangerous they are.

You will notice that most of these acts are related to female pleasure and orgasms, in an attempt to repress female sexuality even more and maintain the idiotic patriarchy in place.

Female ejaculation or Squirting

Female climax has always had a rough time on the English screen and female ejaculation or anything that “looked like pee” had to be censored. You can read this great article on Alternet about why female ejaculation is considered obscene.

My pleasure is NOT offensive to anybody!

squirting gif{via}

Petra Joy wrote an in-depth article about the prejudice on squirting. She reminds us that Anna Span, one of the pioneers of feminist porn, had to prove that female cum was not pee, to get her R18 rating. However, the law remains and you can imagine that you can’t test performers and their fluids for each shoot. This is beyond ridiculous.

petra joy say no to uk censorship


Oh yes, the lethal face-sitting that kills so many citizens every year… Hum, what?

There was a “face-sitting” protest to manifest against so much bullshit. More here.

uk face-sitting protest

uk face-sitting protest


When I heard the news, I emailed Pandora Blake, who’s running her own VOD spanking site in the UK and asked her about what it meant for her business and her thoughts on this whole puritanical tantrum.

This is a huge blow for freedom of expression. The internet was until now the last resort of adult film-makers who wished to produce a broader range of content than that admitted by the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification).

You should read the full post here, and also check out an article on her site, Dreams of Spanking, in which she quotes director and performer Zahra Stardust, who is writing her PhD on the matter :

Those of us who are making queer, feminist, and kinky porn are doing so as an act of civil disobedience, because we know from lived experience that the cost of censorship in our communities is too high. These laws actively produce a heterosexist, misogynist sexuality as ‘normal’, whilst pathologising and closeting practices that are actually life-affirming, consensual and meaningful.

I couldn’t agree more with Stardust since this “normalization” of sexuality is simply a disaster prone to the birth of many sexually-repressed individuals and the maintaining of a sexist control of women.

Pandora also reminds that all the films are made with love and explains she won’t take down the site, in a brave “fuck you” to the uptight and stupid law-setters.

spanking gif{via}

Porn, the canary in the coalmine

A follower tweeted me with a very interesting quote by Solicitor Myles Jackman: “Pornography is the canary in the coalmine of free speech: it’s the first freedom to die.”

We live in a world that is splitting itself between the will to evolve and the urge to go back to stricter, more structured times. I feel like a little kid. I’ve been doing porn because it’s fun and I like it, but now that I know they don’t want me to do it, I’m even more motivated to make some damn good, “obscene” porn and throw it in their hypocritical faces.

So, to sum this up: If you don’t like it, don’t watch it! More sex acts that were banned:


caning gif{via}

Aggressive whipping

If you don’t understand BDSM, be a doll and don’t legislate on it. Thank you.

whipping gif{via}

As well as: penetration by any object “associated with violence”, physical or verbal abuse (regardless of if consensual), urolagnia (known as “water sports” as part of sexual play), role-playing as non-adults, extreme physical restraint (all extremities bondaged and person gagged), humiliation, strangulation and, of course, fisting (insertion past all knuckles of a hand).

Enjoy your Christmas, it will be bitter.

  1. Paul Brown

    December 28, 2014 7:05 pm

    So looking at this from a ‘sarcastic’ perspective, my girlfriend is breaking the law, if she tapes herself squirting and then would mail it to me? Are they really using tax payer’s money for this kind of nonsense?

    And I bet only the professional performers will be affected by this law and not the free porn sites like spankwire, http://theporndude.com/, xnxx,…? It’s already hard for those people to make cash today and the gov is now even gonna make it harder.

    None of my favorite sex tube sites seem to be taken down yet, so fingers crossed that they won’t be censored like warez sites. Proxies/vpn are just a pain in the ass for tubes.

    What are the figures adult membership sites are still doing today, actually?

    • Lucie Blush

      December 29, 2014 5:36 pm

      Pretty much! It’s only for UK-based sites though. They don’t understand the Internet is global and people can watch porn from anywhere in the world. Don’t know about figures but the market is renewing and there’s still good money to be made, but it seems the government wants us to make our money elsewhere…

  2. Bachuss

    March 4, 2015 6:30 pm

    Just discovered and am loving your blog.
    This stupid piece of legislation came to my attention through Twitter which somehow led me here. So if I understand it correctly, it’s only UK made porn that is banned under this new legislation? People can still purchase or view overseas stuff without worrying that a SWAT team will burst in and arrest them?

    Oh and it’s legal to do these things but not to video them?


  3. Jason Grey

    January 29, 2016 11:11 pm

    I am gynecologist and I can say there is nothing like a female ejaculation, women do not ejaculate. This is not, the squirting technique is detrimental to women’s health and everything that women do not need is a crazy feminist wanting them to enter large amount of fluid in their vaginas to release on the grounds of being an ejaculation. Take shame.

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