Dandy Dicks – The guys next door

Remember Playboy and its racy photos mixed with interviews? What if there was a porn magazine today, with guys talking, having fun, sharing and fucking? That’s what Walter did. Here is Dandy Dicks.

Dandy Dicks

I caught myself saying this a few times now: Berlin is so big and so small at the same time. It’s a huge city where you can walk the empty streets at night, but somehow, it seems to be the central point for all the people who… get each other.

I was browsing for porn online like I always do and I found Dandy Dicks. The author, Walter, is a writer from San Francisco who has apparently been in Berlin for a few years and I look forward to bumping into him on my way home so I can ask him a bunch of annoying questions! Or maybe I should pace myself and wait until we see each other at the Berlin festival in October.

Anyway, DD is an online magazine with well-made hot videos of guys who enjoy talking music, art, fashion, their private life… and fuck! They share how they like to fuck and how they enjoy each other. It’s not just about the sex, it’s about exploring their personality, their connection.

It’s super relaxed, natural, and as a person who loves watching guys fuck together, I can say it’s pretty enjoyable.

Check it out!

1 Comment
  1. […] a pas si longtemps et il se trouve désormais dans notre viseur grâce à la veille attentive de Lucie Blush. Lancé en juin dernier sous l’impulsion de Walter, un journaliste aujourd’hui installé à […]

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