Chloë Sevigny in sex scenes as “her” and “him”

I love Chloë Sevigny. I came to think of her when I saw her in the latest episode of the Mindy Project (love Mindy Kaling). She’s hot but she has something more. She has character yet she’s discreet, sensual and daring. One might say she has balls. Well, not literally but almost, you’ll see why.

Here are two scenes of her, one with her playing “the girl” in “Boys Don’t Cry” with the amazing Hilary Swank, and another one where she plays “the guy” (using limited terms) with the amazing Michelle Williams from “If These Walls Could Talk 2“.

Both scenes are very hot, enjoy!

Chloe Sevigny Smoking and Sex por Saltheart

Chloe & Michelle Williams sex scene por jakelachange2

1 Comment
  1. […] If you like Chloë Sevigny you can also read my post about her dual gender roles. […]

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