Black and white old style erotic photography

Last night, I went to the Muschi club in Berlin, which is basically an ode to feminist and sexual revolution leader from ’68, Uschi Obermaier. The walls were covered with old style erotic photos, giving the place a very special, intimate tone.

ushi obermaier

The art of old style erotic

We listened to old porn Italian soundtracks from the 60s and the atmosphere was so chill and relaxed that it truly felt natural and sweet, like sex and porn should be. So here are a few old style, black and white erotic pictures to send you back to more open times.

I absolutely love this photo. It’s so beautiful and erotic and inspiring, don’t you think?



Creepy like I like it…



That looks like a fun party!


old style erotic photography{via}

dov vintage lingerie ladies{via}


largeBettie Page {via}

This one is even creepier. What do you think went on in the photographer’s mind?



1 Comment
  1. Sebastian

    December 1, 2014 6:24 pm

    Thanxxx for your kind review. I was the one playing music at the Muschi Bar.
    Hope to see you at my next erotic/sexy event.
    Skizoyd Dandy

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