Best oral sex you’ve had? Tell me and win Oral: Erotic Stories Of ‘Going Down’

BJ, downtown, cunnilingus, eating out, fellatio. Oral. In this collection of erotic stories, going down isn’t just the starter, it’s the whole meal. Curated by the wild Penthouse Variations magazine, this volume reveals all the savoury flavors of oral sex in one lustful and captivating book.

Win Oral: Erotic Stories Of ‘Going Down’

I’m always a bit hesitant with erotica. I’m often afraid that it’s going to be cheesy or simply boring, but this collection of 22 erotic stories turned my reading day into an endless spiral of compulsive masturbating. I am now back from my little cloud and able to actually write about it.

The kind folks over at CleisPress invited me to read this erotic volume and suggested we let one of you dear pervs win a copy of the book. How does that sound?

To win, you just need to comment on this post and tell me about your best, deepest, most delectable oral sex experience. The best commenter will receive the book for free!

Tell me about your best oral experience and win a copy of the book! 

You have until next Friday, Dec. 12th, 8pm to comment (at the bottom of the page).

EDIT (Dec. 12th) : Thank you all for participating, your comments gave my brain some truly interesting images, but I had to choose one so I emailed Claude to tell him the good news! Thanks again, more erotica coming soon…

oral penthouse variations erotic stories

Delicious games

The stories are written by both men and women and it’s pretty exhilarating to get a glimpse of both perspectives on the art of oral. The stories weren’t cheesy at all, instead, they’re spontaneous and depict scenes that we can all relate to, may they be hot, casual encounters or scenes between married couples.

There are two recurring ideas in the whole book. It seems that oral sex can be a great dish by itself when it is consumed within a game between the lovers. In many of these stories, the partners find original, entertaining ways to indulge in the act and enjoy playing with each other, tempting each other and sweetly torturing each other with desire. There is also a lot of dirty talk, which only made it better for me.

I also found that the food metaphor was present throughout the texts. One of my favourite stories is Lickety-Split by Alison Tyler. You can read an excerpt below. It’s about two colleagues who work at a cafe and the tension between the two rises until the readers are avidly picturing themselves in this passionate, spontaneous scenario.

Enjoy the read and don’t forget to play and win a copy of the book! You can also buy the book right here.

Excerpt from Alison Tyler’s ‘Lickety-Split’

When we got to his apartment, Zach gave in. As soon as the door was shut behind us, he stripped and pushed me to my knees. I gave him head like a pro. I licked the tip of his cock, then slowly began to work my way down the shaft. I wondered how much teasing Zach could take. At the beginning, he simply leaned against the wall and let me work him at my own speed. I was interested to see if I could make him lose his cool. I mouthed the head of his cock and then began to suck on the knob. I indented my cheeks and really focused my attention on the first inch.

But after all that torture, Zach had reached his limits. He couldn’t wait, and in a flash I understood why he hadn’t wanted to go for it at work. Zach was unable to stay quiet. He gripped me and began to fuck my face, and as I sucked him, he moaned loudly. “Oh, baby,” he groaned. “Your mouth is so warm. I can’t believe this is happening. Finally. I’ve fantasized about this moment for so long.”

He got louder and more explicit as I sucked him. I would never have guessed how dirty he was. He described the different images he’d jacked off to over the previous two months. “I wanted to have you suck me, and then jerk off all over your body. Then I thought about putting you up on the counter at work, spreading your legs and licking you to climax right there, where anyone could see.” I rolled with the change of pace, flicking my tongue against the slit in the head of his cock before striving to deep-throat him. He never stopped talking, and I felt myself growing wetter at his words. He was turning us both on, and in seconds, I was drinking his cream, relishing every drop. He didn’t stop talking even then, praising me for how I’d made him feel, telling me that heaven had nothing on my mouth.

“I had to get that out of the way,” Zach said, “so I could take my time with you.” We headed to his bedroom, where I stripped out of my clothes as fast as I could. We seemed to have the same idea. Sixty- nine was the number on both of our minds. Zach was on the bottom, and I climbed on top, and this time I got the chance to show off my oral expertise. I moved back and forth between bobbing on his rejuvenated dick and pushing forward so I could get in there and lick his balls. Zach spread me open with his hands and twirled his tongue around my clit.

“I wanted to eat you out that very first day,” he said, when he came up for air.

“Yeah?” I was short of breath.
“You were wearing that little orange sundress, but it was so hot that day. You know, the first sweltering day of summer. The fabric stuck to you, and I wanted to peel it up and sink to my knees, wanted to see if you were wearing panties under the dress.”
“And if I was?”
“If you were, I was going to eat you through them, suck on the front part until it was wet from you and wet from my mouth. Only when you were begging would I have pulled your panties down and given you the first feel of my tongue.”
“And if I wasn’t?”
“I didn’t think you were. The panty lines would have shown, wouldn’t they? So if you weren’t, I was going to give you a spanking for being so naughty as to show up on the first day of work without knickers. And then I was going to eat your pussy until you came and then eat your asshole until you came again.”
“Oh fuck,” I sighed blissfully. “Oh god, Zach.”
I had my lips around his cock once more, and I ground my cunt against his mouth, not so much to stop him from talking, but to get off on his words in a literal sense. It didn’t really matter what he was saying now. He could have been reciting our special drinks: Shot in the Dark, Americano, Cappuccino, Black Eye, Black Tie, Zebra Mocha, Macchiato… The feel of those words against my most tender skin was what ultimately did me in. I came with an unexpected inten- sity, and my uncontrollable moans around his cock brought him to his own finish line. He climaxed a second after me, and I managed to drain him once more.

Blurb: (also from Alison Tyler, let me know if you’d want a different excerpt)

Mind-blowing oral sex can be the epitome of pleasure itself. Curated by the editors of the wildly popular Penthouse Variations magazine, this voracious volume goes deep into the throes of oral delight. Both new and well-known erotic writers satisfy the hungriest mouths while dishing up an array of below-the-belt feasts. In this collection of short stories, lovers explore the delicious ways oral sex can be an act of affection and tenderness, a testament to devotion, or an expression of pure, hot lust. Going down is an experience meant to be savored… and shared.

“Mouthwatering words drip like honey off the page. Lick your lips and savor the sweetness after you devour each sultry story.”

Comment below and win Oral : Erotic Stories Of Going Down

  1. Lola

    December 5, 2014 6:49 pm

    My best oral sex: I love giving blow jobs and watching men squirm as I lick and suck their balls and dick until they can’t take it anymore, but I’d never experienced this kind of pleasure myself at the hands, or anything else, of another. I think I’m orgasmically challenged as I still haven’t ever come through sex and before this year I’d only ever orgasmed when I was solo. However, my boyfriend was determined to change this and would go down on me for long periods hoping for something to click, and his hard work eventually paid off! One day he was going down on me and, instead of thinking about what he was doing, I began to fantasize like I do when I’m masturbating. And something magical happened. No, I didn’t come, but I felt that pre-orgasm feeling and knew that finally, it might be possible for me to orgasm. The next time, when he was ready to stop after ten minutes or so, I told him ‘more’ ‘more’ and this excited him so much that he put even more effort in and carried on, and…..I CAME!!! It took us both by surprise – it was incredible, and something that I thought would never happen. My body shook, he carried on, I was convulsing, the back of my head touching my back, my chin in the air, my hands on his shoulders telling him to stop and that I couldn’t take any more, ‘no more’ ‘no more’. He stopped, we looked at each other and I thanked him, a lot, which made him laugh – my best oral sex experience and the first time I didn’t have to DIY!

  2. Ali

    December 6, 2014 4:35 am

    His room in the frat house came with queen size bunk beds. We would spend hours together in the bottom bunk- it was basically a cave because a curtain hung all around the whole thing. One day, after wrestling around in bed, we started stripping our clothes off. When we were finally completely naked, he moved down my body. He started to lick me. He was so into it, he started moaning. At one point, I remember looking down and seeing a sliver of light catch a long drip of pre-cum falling from his erection. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I could tell he wanted me so bad but he was obsessive about licking me. I came so hard.

  3. Claude C.

    December 7, 2014 1:55 pm

    I sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my dick on my left palm. She stood right in front of me, naked. Her knees touched my shoulders. One little move and my nose would have tipped her clit. I silently breathed inhaling the scents of her pussy. She looked down on me smiling. She had asked for it. I exhaled noiseless. The short curls of her pubic hair swirled lightly. She sighed. “Do it”. I started saying words or what sounded like words. I spoke slowly, very, very slowly. First I spoke Russian. Well, it sounded like Russian. Fantasy words. Next came Brazilean and then Japanese. I felt the reflections of the sound waves on my lips. A turmoil of vibes built up. A bubble of hot and moist. She stretched her arms high up, started moaning. I saw her pussy lips swelling, her thighs quivering. Then trembling. Drops of sweat landed on my eyebrows. I don’t know for how long she had allowed herself receiving this kind of energetic transfer. Four, five, six minutes. Her feet on tip toes now, body in death like posture, mouth wide open, breath halted, eyes shut. Then all happened at once. Her swollen clit hit my nose hard. An orgasmic scream erupted out of her, gushed all the words. She fell back on the bed, pressed both hands between her legs, curved head to knees and started whining with joy. “It works” she smiled. *

  4. Fanny M.

    December 9, 2014 12:59 am

    Mon meilleur souvenir, reste ma double première fois. J’ai joui comme jamais au bout de 5minutes sous sa langue et ses doigts. Il a joui au bout de 5minutes sous ma langue, entre mes lèvres, au fond de ma gorge. J’ai eu confirmation que j’étais faite pour ça. J’avais 29ans et c’était mon premier amant, l’amour de ma vie. Enjoy sex, life ans rock’n’roll.

  5. Fran Gi Pani

    December 12, 2014 7:28 am

    He leads me through the house. His hands on my eyes, covering them. We laugh. It is a surprise he tells me. I am only guessing what he is going to do. We stand still and his hands cup my face.
    We kiss. His kisses are long and I like that he seems to take his time. He navigates me towards the bed and my ankle touches the bedpost. He throws me onto the bed. I giggle in surprise. I hear him laugh. His smiling gaze finds mine. I still can see the humor in his eyes, but his face is serious now. He hovers over me. Places a kiss on my neck and goes down, without touching me. He looks up and we exchange a long look before he lets his hand glide under my skirt. He kisses my thigh, his hands pull up my skirt and down my panties. He stroke my thighs, my underbelly and then he kisses where his hands just were. He lets his lips sit longer on my skin than usual. I can feel his hot breath. It tickles and it turns me on so much. I can tell how wet I am. I feel him licking me, opening up my lips gently but surely. His licks are more like strokes. He takes my clit in his mouth and sucks. I moan loud and put my hand on my mouth so to push the noise back into my body, but another one escapes me and I give it up. My hands grip the material beneath me. I have to hold on to something. Or someone, my hand finds his head and I bury my fingers in his hair, while he still keeps on torturing me with all this blissful sensations. He flicks his tongue and glides one of his fingers into me and start a circling motion. His circling movements synchronize with his tongue. It feels so intense. His licking, sucking and now this. I am on the edge, and I surrender to the hot wave coming over me, followed by the next and yet another one. Finally I explode. I feel him stroking me, kissing my belly. I am so overwhelmed with the intense orgasm I just had. I am not capable to say or do anything. I think I am stroking his head and arms, I think we kiss. He is saying something, but I am behind a fog. I need some time to come down.

  6. Robert C

    April 3, 2016 8:32 pm

    When I was 16, in a highschool bathroom, I gave my boyfriend a blow job during the lunch break. I had never given a blowjob before, so I tried tp swallow the load but had to spit it out. I remember feeling a bit sad but he just kissed me and told me he loved me. We quickly cleaned up and ledt.

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