Beautifully wild sex in Deepest Darkest, my newest film

A couple of weeks ago, I went on a little trip to Switzerland. Today, I publish what is one of the most special and beautiful films I’ve ever had the joy of shooting. Check out Deepest Darkest.

Deepest Darkest… and more

I met Krystal Asky and Asia Hump about six months ago. We instantly became friends and after an unforgettable party, they asked me to shoot them having sex. You can imagine how ecstatic I was. Two beautiful women who deeply love and desire each other wanted me to enter their world and witness the deepest corners of their intimacy.

So, we arranged a trip and there I was, with my camera, having dinner at their house and setting up the gear.

We all had an incredible experience during the shoot. They kissed, they laughed, they fought hard! And many more sweetly perverted things happened that night. And I was there to catch it all on tape.

It’s rare to witness such love and lust so close, so I am thankful to them for allowing me to share this moment with them. I am very proud of the film.

The story is not really a story, but a depiction of their life. Asia is in a punk band and Krystal told me one day that she always noticed all the groupies who can’t get enough of her girlfriend. The scene revolves around them being all wet after an intense concert and going back home to continue the party.

Check out the trailer below and the full scene and pictures on Deepest Darkest.

Watch Deepest Darkest here

  1. quentin

    October 8, 2015 12:42 pm

    Cool! any news on our movie with ovidie? ‘ne nuit sans fin, if I’m right

    • Lucie Blush

      October 12, 2015 10:58 am

      It should come out in November 🙂

  2. quentin

    October 12, 2015 3:50 pm

    That’s great! Hope it will be as good as deepest darkest, which is by far your best movie in my opinion!

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