Bad Boy Street – Hot gay romance

I chose to show you this video because there is some serious eye candy in it. Bad Boy Street is a film by Todd Verow in which a Parisian guy rescues a young drunken and passed out American from the street and takes him to his house…

Bad Boy Street

The hot stranger wakes up the morning after and generously thanks his host. Obviously the two guys are going to have a very hot affair and might even fall in love. Their lifestyle and age differences are going to be obstacles in this modern-day romance but all I can tell you is that the trip is really sexy.

The title seems to come from the street it’s set on, called Rue des Mauvais Garçons (literally Bad Boys Street).

I think it’s cute and different, and the guys are really hot. Plus, it’s nice to see productions that are a bit more elaborated, especially for those of you who like a good script. TLA releases lots of gay and lesbian films, including this one, BearCity, which looks pretty damn funny. So below you can watch the trailer and the “morning after” scene (sorry for the music, it’s fan-made). Enjoy!

Bad Boy Street Official Trailer from TLA Releasing on Vimeo.

WASTED – BAD BOY STREET from michael d on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. Yadzmarcos

    April 29, 2020 12:25 pm

    I love this video

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