Alone – A blast from the past

Alone is an erotic blast from the past, by Gabriele Rigon. He shot Hedy, an Italian model, wandering about, naked, in her home, playing with herself and her surroundings. Check it out.


He takes an old film from a dusty box and plays it on the wall. Our voyeuristic instincts get triggered when we discover the hidden images of a woman, alone. She undresses, touches her body, wanders in a lazy way through the rooms of her apartment. She takes pictures of herself.

The old style look and the violin make this short film quite the catch.

Gabriele Rigon is a photographer and filmmaker from Italy whose aim is to translate the female beauty through his camera.

I have very special feelings for my models and they for me. A recipe of trust, understanding, humour and friendship allows my models and I to relax, to relax in such a way that my camera becomes simply a tool for capturing the moments we share.

Alone from Hedy on Vimeo.

1 Comment
  1. rafa

    March 4, 2015 10:20 pm

    Muy bueno! Si las fotos que se pasea por el cuerpo fueran de cualquier otra cosa, si no fueran fotografías de su cuerpo, sino otros cuerpos, tal vez ni siquiera humanos, ni vivos (paisajes, piedras, líquidos, ciudades), me hubiera gustado aún más!

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