10 sexy gifs to help you wait until summer [NSFW]

I don’t where you are but here in Europe, it’s still freezing cold and people are even saying there won’t be a summer at all. I’m an optimist so I’m just thinking that this year it might take a little while longer for the sun to show up, the bikinis to start floating and the sun cream to flavor the air. That’s why I’ve prepared a little selection of sexy gifs to give you your dose of hotness and hold on until the temperature literally rises.

So let’s see what we’re looking forward to…

#1. Chilling on the beach chairs, soaking up the sun

Don’t you love just doing nothing on the beach, ordering piña coladas, reading magazines… I can’t believe I still have more than two months to wait for before I can actually do that.

sexy gifs summer x-art porn
Source: http://theliminalpassage.tumblr.com

#2. The swimming pool. Of course.

It’s hot. The water is fresh. Simple math. It is known, as the GoT girl would say.

sexy gifs summer pool nsfw
Source: http://sensualgalleries.com/

#3. Hot shirtless guys everywhere

Seriously, when it gets a bit warm, people just start taking their clothes off, and not only on the beach but also on the street or at home. It doesn’t bother me at all when hot guys like Joe Dempsie do it…

joe dempsie hot gif got
Source: http://www.pajiba.com/

joe dempsie naked gif

#4. The beach

I know it’s kind of cliché, but come on, sex on the beach: could be worse! Just be careful for the sand not to go up your vagina and you should be fine. When the mood is right, the guy is hot and the beach empty (I hope?), then it can be the best time.

beach sexy gif nsfw beach
Source: http://madeforlovinyou.tumblr.com/

Pool parties are also fun when you’re not close to a real beach…

sexy gifs water
Source: http://oneofthesexyblog.tumblr.com

#5. Sleeping with no sheets

Ok when it’s cold it’s always nice to dive under the covers and sleep under there like in a fort. But in summer, you can just sleep naked and you don’t even care if the neighbors see you…

sexy gif christina hendricks
Source: http://gif-sexy.tumblr.com

#6. The sweating

Sweating can be nasty sometimes but in sex, it’s a turn on. Everything becomes smooth and it makes it even more intense!

69 sexy gifs porn
Source: http://fuckthatbit.ch/

#7. Tanned bodies all over

I am currently as white as a fucking ghost. It will definitely be nice to see people with nicely tanned bodies and peachy skin…

sexy gifs
Source: http://babygirlpdr.tumblr.com/

#8. The light

I recently went to France to see my family and everybody is depressed about the weather. Why? Not just because it sucks, but because they haven’t seen the sunlight in months. Having sex in the morning with the sunlight coming through the window and when you know it’s going to be a beautiful day… There is no better feeling.

couple sexy gifs
Source: http://theliminalpassage.tumblr.com/

Hope you enjoyed this little selection of NSFW gifs and that it will help you hold on until the summer comes…




1 Comment
  1. Rimfire

    April 20, 2016 10:37 am

    enjoyed these clips, would like animation
    clips i could combine for my own view tho

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