64 search results for:

Fucking Mystic by Courtney Trouble

This morning, I had the pleasure of finding Courtney Trouble sitting at the bar next to me and I'm happy to say that she has a few films screened during the Porn Festival. That's why I wanted to show you the trailer of one of them, Fucking Mystic. Fucking Mystic Chelsea Poe, a hot trans…

#BPFF : Desire infiltrates your daily life in R100

Tonight is the opening ceremony of the Berlin Porn Film Festival and the Japanese film R100 will be screened for the occasion. Let me tell you a bit more about this crazy film. R100 Imagine a simple guy, single dad, white collar job. One day, Takafumi discovers this new "service" and signs a one-year-contract so…

Rope and Relinquish : Father by Tokyo Stone

Tokyo Stone has released a new erotic short film and it's nothing less than what we expect from them. Father is a dark, sexy video like they know how to make to make our seat wet. Check it out. Father Lanece Renee offers us quite a show,  biting hard on a piece of black rope…

If You Dare – The Making Of

I love sharing making of videos of my shoots, because I think part of feminist porn is about good working conditions and making good stuff, so with this behind the scenes video of my latest film, If You Dare, you'll see what it's like to be on a set. Sometimes, it gets boring, sometimes we…

If You Dare – My new film about a slave and her master

It's always a happy day when I publish a new film. After days of living like a hermit, editing, adjusting, rendering, exporting, uploading... My duty to the world to make good porn is fulfilled, for today at least. If You Dare is a film about my own fantasy and personal experiences as a slave to…

How to please your master in 8 gifs (from my new film)

I've been camping at my computer desk editing my new film, titled If You Dare. I realize it's 3a.m. here now but I almost never miss a day so here's an animated preview of this new scene with real-life couple Irina Vega and Fenyx Santos. Next week on . The…

Submission – Empowered women enjoying bdsm

Today, I have the pleasure of reviewing Submission - Erotica For Women, a collection of six kinky stories, curated and edited by Alex Algren. I am writing this today after I spent last night being submissive myself, to my own master, so it's safe to say I feel personally close to the empowered and submissive…

Spanking on Screen II – The best gifs of the week

Yesterday, I wrote about the differences of mainstream films and porn when it comes to spanking. I didn't want to stop there without showing the best spanking gifs of the week! The waiting It's one of the best parts, the expectation. You know it's coming and the excitement makes you weep. [via] The teasing Everything…

Spanking on screen : Mainstream VS Porn [videos]

Like many things in sex, some words and activities get devoured by ignorance. Much like anal sex or BDSM in general, spanking has acquired a fame that doesn't always do it justice. With this selection of scenes from tv, mainstream movies and porn films, we can see how differently spanking is portrayed and the wide…

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