

Panda Sexpress by Steve Diet Goedde

Pandas are hot. Apparently. This is a short film by Photographer Steve Diet Goedde. The man did quite a lot of work around Fetish, which you can see on his site. The sexy panda here is Caroline Aquino. "Panda Sexpress" by Steve Diet Goedde from stevedietgoedde on Vimeo. And because now everything has a prequel:…

My Awkward Sexual Adventure – Sex Comedy

Sometimes we forget how hard it can be for guys to pleasure us. They also have pressure, big porn clichés in their head, self-consciousness... Like us they don't, most of the time, identify with muscular guys with big cocks and they don't realize that with a little bit of passion and self-confidence, they can rock your…

Dancing Anymore – New ‘Is Tropical’ video clip

The Megaforce collective has released a new video clip titled "Dancing Anymore" for the electro band Is Tropical. The video is from a teenage boy's point of view who does exactly what we've ALL done: hours spent fantasizing and masturbating when our parents were away. Maybe we don't all share the fantasy of virtual girls,…

Bridesmaids monkey sex with Jon Hamm

If you haven't seen this movie, you really need to check it out, like, right now. It is one of the best comedies with a female point of view that I've seen in years. It stars Kristen Wiig (she's hilarious), Jon Hamm from Mad Men and also Chris O'Dowd that we've seen on the cast…

New Girl’s Nick and Jess finally pop the kiss

You may or not like the New Girl TV show with Miss Zooey Deschanel but come on, that long awaited story between her and her roommate Nick Miller is making us completely crazy. We finally had one kiss (only a kiss, for now) but the sexual tension is palpable... SOON.…

Spartacus Sex Scenes + Goodie pic

Every time the show's on TV there is always one (or more) naked guy on the screen. I don't care much for the story but hey, a girl likes her eye candy! Here's a compilation of sex scenes from the show. Enjoy! Spartacus - all erotic scenes - Gods of The Arena por socoisaestranha As…

Two hot boys together – Les chansons d’amour

Very hot and sweet scene from French film Les Chansons d'Amour (Love Songs). The music is beautiful and so are the men! In this scene this is Louis Garrel and Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet... This film is really amazing, you should check it out!…

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