
Sex on TV

Looking, HBO’s brand new show with hot (gay) guys

Who doesn't love HBO. They bring us a daily dose of mainstream nudity, violence, and introspection. Game Of Thrones, Girls, ... and now Looking, a new show that will premiere on January 19! Looking... For Love, Sex and Happiness It feels a bit like a gay male Sex & The City. Three men are looking…

When “manly” men have the hots for each other [videos]

There's a big cliché around homosexuality. Gay women are supposed to be big blokes with short hair, and all gay men are supposed to be very effeminate and love fashion. Yes, there are also the gay "bears". But you don't need to wear leather and have a YMCA moustache to suck a guy's cock... By now,…

Sexy or Scary? Rate these horror movie sex scenes

Yes, it's already time to think about Halloween costumes, crazy parties and lots of candy booze. Enjoy this moment my friends, because very soon (too soon), they will start talking about Christmas and flood our screens with perfume ads and crappy toy commercials. Instead, stay here! It's cosy and exciting... I've selected three horror movie…

What I love and hate about The Girl’s Guide To Depravity

The Girl's Guide To Depravity is a new TV show on Cinemax, that's been airing since last year. A group of girl friends are tired of getting screwed and decide to follow a list of rules that will allow to get laid without suffering. This Sex And The City-inspired show starring Rebecca Blumhagen is pretty…

4 hot ‘angry sex’ scenes full of rage and passion

I am angry. I'm angry because of stuff that is happening in my life now, especially me having to move out because of a landlord son of a bitch, and having to deal with lawyers, bankers... Everything is going to be fine, I know, but I can't help feeling angry. It's a normal feeling and…

Meanwhile in Russia – Marbers’ hot commercial

I've just discovered this Russian commercial on Vimeo. It's for the brand Marbers: "Effective complex of sexual excitement". I didn't really know what that meant, until I found the official site and google translated part of the text. At first, I thought it was condoms, by the look of the box and design. However, it…

The Ups and Downs of Dirty Talk and Phone Sex

Do you like to have dirty talk? Have you ever had phone sex? I used to be in a long-distance relationship and I have to say that Skype and cheap calls to foreign countries really made it pretty spicy and helped us forget for a moment that we were so far away from each other.…

Looking back at sexy scenes from the L Word

Tits on mainstream TV? Always. But an insight on the life of lesbians having real cliché-free sex? That's more difficult to find. That's why I really miss The L Word. The show started in 2009 and had six seasons, with lots of characters and couples. I have prepared a little selection of sex scenes to…

Queer As Folk, the nostalgy of hot gay sex on screen

As you know, I like to dedicate Mondays to gay sex. It's pretty difficult, however, to find great gay sex videos out there! There is a lot of gay porn but artistic, natural or beautiful gay erotica is pretty hard to come by. That's why I really miss the time of Queer As Folk. I…

True Blood Season 6 – All the sex scenes (part I).

Hey, by now you all know I'm a big True Blood fan. I think the show is super sexy, it's completely crazy and shit happens in every episode. Plus, the guys are really hot! The latest season (#6) started a few weeks ago, and with only 7 episodes in, we already have lots of interesting…

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