Sometimes a good angle, a piece of music and a black and white filter can trigger your imagination more than any porn scene. This erotic short film, Anew, was directed by the Sbrokked studio.

ANEW, follow your heart tits

It’s soft like skin, light like air and hypnotizing like a deep look in someone’s eyes. The two women in the film have created their own little world in which they just enjoy each other, they have fun, they connect, they rest and feel happy! We could say this film is a story about a lesbian love in a romantic corner of the Earth, for our usual Gay Porn Monday, but I think it’s just an illustration of a happy time between two people who like each other. Nothing else.

The piano track is a huge plus, it makes this piece a very entertaining film and I think it gives it body and atmosphere. Check out the artist, Vladimir Sterzer, on Jamendo. It’s a little bit nostalgic, like something that should have happened but that never did…

What do you think?

Alberto Montani wrote a few words (originally in Italian) to illustrate the film:

If you’re spending your time whispering yourself lies.
If you pretend not needing it, and you’re shouting so loud on your mind, your nose is bleeding.
And you know you’re wrong.
If your super-used ignorant arrogance, keeps on bringing you the opposite.
And you know you’re wrong.
If you paddle in the strong opposite going flow, but you pretend to wish the opposite again.
And you know you’re wrong.
If you’re sure to be the same of the other.
And you know you’re wrong.
If you ‘re supposing something particular is not so meaningful for you.
And you know you’re wrong.
If every act you’re acting is just a line of targeting target, but every molecule, each tension of your body is pointed to something different, hedonist and perfect.
If you stay breathless on thinking it.
If all your life can stay closed in well designed room, or not designed at all.
If your mind is full, is swearing her swear.
Drops pictures of her flesh.
If everything you’re watching explodes in something else: her skin.
If every image you’re studying is her’s lips and hands loop.
Turn around and Love.

So, basically, what I get from these lines is that you just need to follow your feelings and your body, to find the place in which you are truly yourself and comfortable. This is the only way you will be happy, and this “place” can sometimes mean a person.

anew erotic short film lesbian

anew erotic short film lesbian

anew erotic short film lesbian

anew erotic short film lesbian